local api = {} local function xzbounds(num) return num > -10001 and num < 10001 end local function ybounds(num) return num > -65 and num < 321 end api.checkBounds = function(x, y, z) x, y, z = tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z) if not x then return false, "Value x is not a number." elseif not y then return false, "Value y is not a number." elseif not z then return false, "Value z is not a number." elseif not xzbounds(x) then return false, "Value x = "..x.." is out of bounds." elseif not ybounds(y) then return false, "Value y = "..y.." is out of bounds." elseif not xzbounds(z) then return false, "Value z = "..z.." is out of bounds." end return true, x, y, z end return api