--- Multishell allows multiple programs to be run at the same time. -- -- When multiple programs are running, it displays a tab bar at the top of the -- screen, which allows you to switch between programs. New programs can be -- launched using the `fg` or `bg` programs, or using the @{shell.openTab} and -- @{multishell.launch} functions. -- -- Each process is identified by its ID, which corresponds to its position in -- the tab list. As tabs may be opened and closed, this ID is _not_ constant -- over a program's run. As such, be careful not to use stale IDs. -- -- As with @{shell}, @{multishell} is not a "true" API. Instead, it is a -- standard program, which launches a shell and injects its API into the shell's -- environment. This API is not available in the global environment, and so is -- not available to @{os.loadAPI|APIs}. -- -- @module[module] multishell -- @since 1.6 local expect = dofile("rom/modules/main/cc/expect.lua").expect -- Setup process switching local parentTerm = term.current() local w, h = parentTerm.getSize() local tProcesses = {} local nCurrentProcess = nil local nRunningProcess = nil local bShowMenu = false local bWindowsResized = false local nScrollPos = 1 local bScrollRight = false local function selectProcess(n) if nCurrentProcess ~= n then if nCurrentProcess then local tOldProcess = tProcesses[nCurrentProcess] tOldProcess.window.setVisible(false) end nCurrentProcess = n if nCurrentProcess then local tNewProcess = tProcesses[nCurrentProcess] tNewProcess.window.setVisible(true) tNewProcess.bInteracted = true end end end local function setProcessTitle(n, sTitle) tProcesses[n].sTitle = sTitle end local function resumeProcess(nProcess, sEvent, ...) local tProcess = tProcesses[nProcess] local sFilter = tProcess.sFilter if sFilter == nil or sFilter == sEvent or sEvent == "terminate" then local nPreviousProcess = nRunningProcess nRunningProcess = nProcess term.redirect(tProcess.terminal) local ok, result = coroutine.resume(tProcess.co, sEvent, ...) tProcess.terminal = term.current() if ok then tProcess.sFilter = result else printError(result) end nRunningProcess = nPreviousProcess end end local function launchProcess(bFocus, tProgramEnv, sProgramPath, ...) local tProgramArgs = table.pack(...) local nProcess = #tProcesses + 1 local tProcess = {} tProcess.sTitle = fs.getName(sProgramPath) if bShowMenu then tProcess.window = window.create(parentTerm, 1, 2, w, h - 1, false) else tProcess.window = window.create(parentTerm, 1, 1, w, h, false) end tProcess.co = coroutine.create(function() os.run(tProgramEnv, sProgramPath, table.unpack(tProgramArgs, 1, tProgramArgs.n)) if not tProcess.bInteracted then term.setCursorBlink(false) print("Press any key to continue") os.pullEvent("char") end end) tProcess.sFilter = nil tProcess.terminal = tProcess.window tProcess.bInteracted = false tProcesses[nProcess] = tProcess if bFocus then selectProcess(nProcess) end resumeProcess(nProcess) return nProcess end local function cullProcess(nProcess) local tProcess = tProcesses[nProcess] if coroutine.status(tProcess.co) == "dead" then if nCurrentProcess == nProcess then selectProcess(nil) end table.remove(tProcesses, nProcess) if nCurrentProcess == nil then if nProcess > 1 then selectProcess(nProcess - 1) elseif #tProcesses > 0 then selectProcess(1) end end if nScrollPos ~= 1 then nScrollPos = nScrollPos - 1 end return true end return false end local function cullProcesses() local culled = false for n = #tProcesses, 1, -1 do culled = culled or cullProcess(n) end return culled end -- Setup the main menu local menuMainTextColor, menuMainBgColor, menuOtherTextColor, menuOtherBgColor if parentTerm.isColor() then menuMainTextColor, menuMainBgColor = colors.yellow, colors.black menuOtherTextColor, menuOtherBgColor = colors.black, colors.gray else menuMainTextColor, menuMainBgColor = colors.white, colors.black menuOtherTextColor, menuOtherBgColor = colors.black, colors.gray end local function redrawMenu() if bShowMenu then -- Draw menu parentTerm.setCursorPos(1, 1) parentTerm.setBackgroundColor(menuOtherBgColor) parentTerm.clearLine() local nCharCount = 0 local nSize = parentTerm.getSize() if nScrollPos ~= 1 then parentTerm.setTextColor(menuOtherTextColor) parentTerm.setBackgroundColor(menuOtherBgColor) parentTerm.write("<") nCharCount = 1 end for n = nScrollPos, #tProcesses do if n == nCurrentProcess then parentTerm.setTextColor(menuMainTextColor) parentTerm.setBackgroundColor(menuMainBgColor) else parentTerm.setTextColor(menuOtherTextColor) parentTerm.setBackgroundColor(menuOtherBgColor) end parentTerm.write(" " .. tProcesses[n].sTitle .. " ") nCharCount = nCharCount + #tProcesses[n].sTitle + 2 end if nCharCount > nSize then parentTerm.setTextColor(menuOtherTextColor) parentTerm.setBackgroundColor(menuOtherBgColor) parentTerm.setCursorPos(nSize, 1) parentTerm.write(">") bScrollRight = true else bScrollRight = false end -- Put the cursor back where it should be local tProcess = tProcesses[nCurrentProcess] if tProcess then tProcess.window.restoreCursor() end end end local function resizeWindows() local windowY, windowHeight if bShowMenu then windowY = 2 windowHeight = h - 1 else windowY = 1 windowHeight = h end for n = 1, #tProcesses do local tProcess = tProcesses[n] local x, y = tProcess.window.getCursorPos() if y > windowHeight then tProcess.window.scroll(y - windowHeight) tProcess.window.setCursorPos(x, windowHeight) end tProcess.window.reposition(1, windowY, w, windowHeight) end bWindowsResized = true end local function setMenuVisible(bVis) if bShowMenu ~= bVis then bShowMenu = bVis resizeWindows() redrawMenu() end end local multishell = {} --- @export --- Get the currently visible process. This will be the one selected on -- the tab bar. -- -- Note, this is different to @{getCurrent}, which returns the process which is -- currently executing. -- -- @treturn number The currently visible process's index. -- @see setFocus function multishell.getFocus() return nCurrentProcess end --- Change the currently visible process. -- -- @tparam number n The process index to switch to. -- @treturn boolean If the process was changed successfully. This will -- return @{false} if there is no process with this id. -- @see getFocus function multishell.setFocus(n) expect(1, n, "number") if n >= 1 and n <= #tProcesses then selectProcess(n) redrawMenu() return true end return false end --- Get the title of the given tab. -- -- This starts as the name of the program, but may be changed using -- @{multishell.setTitle}. -- @tparam number n The process index. -- @treturn string|nil The current process title, or @{nil} if the -- process doesn't exist. function multishell.getTitle(n) expect(1, n, "number") if n >= 1 and n <= #tProcesses then return tProcesses[n].sTitle end return nil end --- Set the title of the given process. -- -- @tparam number n The process index. -- @tparam string title The new process title. -- @see getTitle -- @usage Change the title of the current process -- -- multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), "Hello") function multishell.setTitle(n, title) expect(1, n, "number") expect(2, title, "string") if n >= 1 and n <= #tProcesses then setProcessTitle(n, title) redrawMenu() end end --- Get the index of the currently running process. -- -- @treturn number The currently running process. function multishell.getCurrent() return nRunningProcess end --- Start a new process, with the given environment, program and arguments. -- -- The returned process index is not constant over the program's run. It can be -- safely used immediately after launching (for instance, to update the title or -- switch to that tab). However, after your program has yielded, it may no -- longer be correct. -- -- @tparam table tProgramEnv The environment to load the path under. -- @tparam string sProgramPath The path to the program to run. -- @param ... Additional arguments to pass to the program. -- @treturn number The index of the created process. -- @see os.run -- @usage Run the "hello" program, and set its title to "Hello!" -- -- local id = multishell.launch({}, "/rom/programs/fun/hello.lua") -- multishell.setTitle(id, "Hello!") function multishell.launch(tProgramEnv, sProgramPath, ...) expect(1, tProgramEnv, "table") expect(2, sProgramPath, "string") local previousTerm = term.current() setMenuVisible(#tProcesses + 1 >= 2) local nResult = launchProcess(false, tProgramEnv, sProgramPath, ...) redrawMenu() term.redirect(previousTerm) return nResult end --- Get the number of processes within this multishell. -- -- @treturn number The number of processes. function multishell.getCount() return #tProcesses end -- Begin -- Acknowledge the influence of mbs. Used to -- detect if we've run. multishell._mbs = true parentTerm.clear() setMenuVisible(false) launchProcess(true, { ["shell"] = shell, ["multishell"] = multishell, }, "/rom/programs/shell.lua", ...) -- Lord please forgive me for what I am about to do local last_win = 1 local shift, ctrl, tab, did_restore, last_skip = false, false, false, false, false -- Run processes while #tProcesses > 0 do -- Get the event local tEventData = table.pack(os.pullEventRaw()) local sEvent = tEventData[1] local skip = false local down, up = sEvent == "key", sEvent == "key_up" if up or down then local key = tEventData[2] if key == settings.get("mbs.multishell.shift") then shift = down end if key == settings.get("mbs.multishell.ctrl") then ctrl = down end if key == settings.get("mbs.multishell.tab") then tab = down end end if ctrl and not last_skip then local next_win if shift and tab then last_win = multishell.getFocus() next_win = last_win-1 if next_win == 0 then next_win = multishell.getCount() end multishell.setFocus(next_win) skip = true elseif tab then local cur_win = multishell.getFocus() if not did_restore and settings.get("mbs.multishell.restoreTab") then multishell.setFocus(last_win) last_win = cur_win skip = true did_restore = true else next_win = cur_win+1 if next_win > multishell.getCount() then next_win = 1 end multishell.setFocus(next_win) skip = true end end elseif not ctrl then did_restore = false end last_skip = skip if not skip then if sEvent == "term_resize" then -- Resize event w, h = parentTerm.getSize() resizeWindows() redrawMenu() elseif sEvent == "char" or sEvent == "key" or sEvent == "key_up" or sEvent == "paste" or sEvent == "terminate" or sEvent == "file_transfer" then -- Basic input, just passthrough to current process resumeProcess(nCurrentProcess, table.unpack(tEventData, 1, tEventData.n)) if cullProcess(nCurrentProcess) then setMenuVisible(#tProcesses >= 2) redrawMenu() end elseif sEvent == "mouse_click" then -- Click event local button, x, y = tEventData[2], tEventData[3], tEventData[4] if bShowMenu and y == 1 then -- Switch process if x == 1 and nScrollPos ~= 1 then nScrollPos = nScrollPos - 1 redrawMenu() elseif bScrollRight and x == term.getSize() then nScrollPos = nScrollPos + 1 redrawMenu() else local tabStart = 1 if nScrollPos ~= 1 then tabStart = 2 end for n = nScrollPos, #tProcesses do local tabEnd = tabStart + #tProcesses[n].sTitle + 1 if x >= tabStart and x <= tabEnd then selectProcess(n) redrawMenu() break end tabStart = tabEnd + 1 end end else -- Passthrough to current process resumeProcess(nCurrentProcess, sEvent, button, x, bShowMenu and y - 1 or y) if cullProcess(nCurrentProcess) then setMenuVisible(#tProcesses >= 2) redrawMenu() end end elseif sEvent == "mouse_drag" or sEvent == "mouse_up" or sEvent == "mouse_scroll" then -- Other mouse event local p1, x, y = tEventData[2], tEventData[3], tEventData[4] if bShowMenu and sEvent == "mouse_scroll" and y == 1 then if p1 == -1 and nScrollPos ~= 1 then nScrollPos = nScrollPos - 1 redrawMenu() elseif bScrollRight and p1 == 1 then nScrollPos = nScrollPos - 1 redrawMenu() end elseif not (bShowMenu and y == 1) then -- Passthrough to current process resumeProcess(nCurrentProcess, sEvent, p1, x, bShowMenu and y - 1 or y) if cullProcess(nCurrentProcess) then setMenuVisible(#tProcesses >= 2) redrawMenu() end end else -- Other event -- Passthrough to all processes local nLimit = #tProcesses -- Storing this ensures any new things spawned don't get the event for n = 1, nLimit do resumeProcess(n, table.unpack(tEventData, 1, tEventData.n)) end if cullProcesses() then setMenuVisible(#tProcesses >= 2) redrawMenu() end end if bWindowsResized then -- Pass term_resize to all processes local nLimit = #tProcesses -- Storing this ensures any new things spawned don't get the event for n = 1, nLimit do resumeProcess(n, "term_resize") end bWindowsResized = false if cullProcesses() then setMenuVisible(#tProcesses >= 2) redrawMenu() end end end end -- Shutdown term.redirect(parentTerm)